Urban Silence

An art project where silence is my best friend

Remember the old movies where people didn’t speak? Would you like to join us on line and do the same? We’ll spend 5 minutes without words and then we’ll talk about it and imagine how it can help us go along with the changes we obviously need. 

Strange idea? Maybe, but could it be that there is more  there than meets the eyes? Look below at a few comments from people who are participating.

Actual: after 1-1/2 year on line, we now take a break in order to work on the initial idea, that is -live events (see « live events » in the menu). However, if you want to work with this concept (look at the « blog » in the menu) either in group or in person just send a mail to charles@urbansilence.org. 

We’ll hopefully launch live events end 2022, beginning 2023. Hoping to see you then.

What people are saying

It was an interesting experience to meet a group of persons for the first time, and for the first five minutes not hear them saying anything and don't do it yourself. The only one I know from before was you, Charles, who invited me and led this interesting and rather peculiar event. I liked it but noticed how rare it is to meet people this way. Maybe the rule of silence change our perceptions of the meeting, the contact, to become more calm, sensual and emotional, rather than cognitive and controlled by our thoughts: I mean when talking and communicating with words we often use our human brain, the cortex, that is our rationality. In silence we can be more in contact with our inner sense and gut-feelings. I could sense the others, I felt, and become curious to know them more.

- Claes

The urban silence project will help you to remind you about the importance of being quiet while joined by fellow participants. It will help you to slowly build up the discipline to take out a couple of minutes of your busy schedule now and then to just sit still and be quiet. It’s been a great experience and I was surprised of how much energy and relaxation you actually could get by doing nothing for 5 minutes.

- Rasmus

Getting together for five minutes being silent is very much against our modern instinct, where silence can be an uncomfortable shared experience with strangers and even ourselves. However, as we together have landed in an environment where silence is accepted, we have been exploring questions about the nature of our instincts and being human. Silence and stillness which can be perceived as passive, has in reality been a facilitator to think and act differently from how I would. I am grateful for the silent space we have virtually created together.  

- Melis

To be silent together for 5 minutes (online) is a wondrous experience. The silent atmosphere is warm and open. The silence we share is a peaceful place. I think being silent together creates a space, a room within and amongst us, where we can breathe. Being silent together brings about a sensation of freedom. The silent space is a different way of being together. And when we talk about the experience afterwards in the group, we listen to each other. We share a simple and powerful experience. I think being silent together (for 5 minutes) is a pathway to real life encounters, and new ways of dialoguing.

- Ulla 

To me Urban silence is a reminder to take breaks in a hectic everyday life. I honestly find it a bit boring to be silent doing nothing, but at the same time it is relaxing. It is also an odd experience to be silent together with unfamiliar people followed by a dialogue about silence. Not knowing anything about jobs, hobbies, families or other common topics of conversation, only their feelings and thoughts about the session. An interesting way of getting to know other people!

- Ingrid